Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Faculty Mentor Program Ethical And Legal Implications

Faculty Mentor Program: Ethical and Legal Implications According to Hansman (2009) mentoring in universities are both formal and informal relationship. Faculty mentors are engaged in formal relationships when â€Å"advising and chairing doctoral dissertations, thesis, or other student projects† (Hansman, 2009, p. 54). However, mentoring is an informal relationship between faculty mentors and new faculty members. Furthermore, the mentoring relationship may be a challenging experience creating ethical and legal concerns. While mentoring graduate and postgraduate students, Hansman (2009) reflected on how being inexperience in subject matter, overly sympathetic, and unsupportive by faculty mentors â€Å"violated my values and ethical principles† (p. 58). As co-chair (due to lack of expert knowledge in study topic) Hansman established a friendly relationship outside the mentorship in a student’s dissertation process, but threatened to end the mentoring relationship when the student refused to remove offensive statements from the study unsupportive with evidence from the literature. Hansman (2009) also experienced her colleagues’ engagement in conversations reflecting negatively of students which is a violation of student’s confidentiality. Accordingly, Hansman felt that faculty negative conversations about students may discourage other faculty members from mentoring students in future relationships. In agreement with Hansman, faculty members owe it to their students to exhibi t ethicalShow MoreRelatedEssay about Ethical Standards in Research2843 Words   |  12 Pagesthat an ethical researcher should consider are â€Å"justice, beneficence and respect for persons† (Lindorff, 2010, p. 53). Justice refers to fairness in selection of participants and the time required by participants. Justice relates to protecting participants but also benefiting the public, not just certain entities. There are concerns regarding non-medical research and the benefactors from the results obtained. The parties involved in non-medical research need to be mindful of ethical considerationsRead MoreKeeping The Students Rights And School Policies1806 Words   |  8 PagesStrategies and Options Keeping the students’ rights and school policies in mind, once the whistleblower reports the information, the educator should invite the accused student to a private location together with another impartial faculty member present to discuss the situation. The educator would then inform the student that he or she has been accused of using his or her cellphone during the examination that day and would remind the student of the academic and school policies which clearlyRead MoreInterview With A Certified Nurse Practitioner1446 Words   |  6 Pagesroles of Nurse Practitioner. Competencies are â€Å"framework for advanced nursing practice standards† (O’Connell, Gardner, Coyer, 2014) essential for the ever-changing context of the healthcare system. The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) is an organization recognized as a leader in developing and maintaining Nurse Practitioner education essential in the preparation of highly qualifi ed Nurse Practitioner. The NONPF developed nine core competencies which are essential behaviorsRead More2000 Word Critical Reflection on Strategies the Learner Has Used to Facilitate Learning - Preparing Facilitators of Practice Learning and Assessment3005 Words   |  13 Pages| Preparing Facilitators of Practice Learning and Assessment Word count: 2179 | The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect on strategies used to mentor a second year mental health student in a community mental health team. The essay will refer to interpersonal skills used to develop the mentor-mentee relationship, and the practical steps taken to facilitate learning; to make this more tangible the focus will primarily rest on the author’s approach to teaching the learnerRead MoreCsr Practices Of Indian Corporate Houses : Hrd Intervention3184 Words   |  13 Pages CSR PRACTICES OF INDIAN CORPORATE HOUSES: HRD INTERVENTION 1. Chitra Raje Basera, Research Scholar, Faculty of Management Studies, Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, Sikar, Rajasthan. E-mail: chitra.basera@gmail.com 2. Dr BS Rathore, Associate Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, Sikar, Rajasthan. Email: bsrathore555@gmail.com CSR PRACTICES OF INDIAN CORPORATE HOUSES: HRD INTERVENTION AbstractRead MoreThe Quality of Financial Reporting After the Passage of Sarbanes-Oxley a2946 Words   |  12 Pagessubject to SOX were more aggressive in implementing the SOX requirements than the firms that are not (Lobo and Zhou, 2010). There are other researchers who looked at the ethical side of SOX for restoring integrity and public confidence and examined the auditor rotation on regular basis (Orin, 2008). Richard Orin’s article â€Å"Ethical Guidance and Constraint Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002† concluded that SOX fall short on implementing the provision of auditing independence. Orin argues that theRead MoreNursing Education7264 Words   |  30 Pages-development of educational material -conduct of research THE SCOPE OF NURSING PRACTICE: THE IMPLICATION FOR CONTEMPORARY NURSING EDUCATION AND PRACTICE: In 1996, the QNC commissioned a UN team to consult widely with nurses at all levels throughout Queensland, seeking their views on the main issues involved in determining the contemporary scope of practice. The QNC and other nursing councils and boards have the legal responsibility for determining the scope of practice for Registered Nurses (RN) and EnrolledRead MoreMacro Micro Environment Analysis3263 Words   |  14 PagesACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks are due to Lecturer, [Prof. A Srikanth] the Mentor of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed. We would also like to thank our Institution and our faculty members without whom this project would have been a distant reality. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our family andRead MoreMacro Micro Environment Analysis3274 Words   |  14 PagesACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks are due to Lecturer, [Prof. A Srikanth] the Mentor of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed. We would also like to thank our Institution and our faculty members without whom this project would have been a distant reality. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our family andRead MoreAn Ethical Basis for Relationship Marketing- a Virtue Ethics Perspective10327 Words   |  42 PagesThe current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0309-0566.htm An ethical basis for relationship marketing: a virtue ethics perspective Patrick E. Murphy Institute for Ethical Business Worldwide, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA Ethical basis for RM 37 Received May 2004 Revised January 2006 Gene R. Laczniak Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, and Graham Wood School of Management

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Great Depression Essay - 1234 Words

The Causes of the Great Depression The cause of the Great Depression has been debated for many years. The actual cause of the Great Depression is a multitude of factors, there was no single cause. Several reasons for the Great Depression were supply and demand, the banking system, wages of workers, success and failure of business, government policy, excessive speculation in the stock market and the unequal distribution of wealth between the rich and the middle class. While there are many theories to what caused the Great Depression; all of these factors played a role in the Great Depression. The European nations industry had been devastated during the war and they relied on the United States for most goods. The†¦show more content†¦There was still a major gap in income of the rich and middle class. The top 0.1% of Americans in 1929 had a combined income equal to the bottom 42% of Americans, while 80% of the people had no savings at all (McElvaine 38). The average income for the farmer was only $273 compared to the average national income of $750 (McElvaine 21). By 1929 the productivity of the American industry had risen 43 percent while the wages only increase 8 percent (McElvaine 39). The American worker had enjoyed the 1920s as an era that was filled with new inventions, the radio, automobile, electric irons, and refrigerators were in every home. The average American worker could not afford to buy these items, but they could if they made small weekly or monthly payments. Convincing Americans to go against traditional values was difficult, but the adver tising industry convinced them they could (McElvaine 41). The average worker in America was living in poverty, making about $24.76 a week. Most Americans did not have much money to loose when the stock market crashed; they had no savings and no investments. The people who lost the most were the wealthy investors (McElvaine 17). Speculation in the 1920’s caused many to invest money they did not have. The stock market was a â€Å"Bull Market in the 1920s, it seemed that it would never end. Hoping to get rich, people from all walks of life were buying up stocks. The boomShow MoreRelatedThe Depression Of The Great Depression1223 Words   |  5 Pagesfar-reaching consequences as the Great Depression. This experience was the most extended and severe depression of the Western world. It was an economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. A large amount of America’s labor force lost their jobs and suffered during this crisis. During the nation’s financial disaster, Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president and made extensive changes to America’s political structure. The effects of the Great Depression had lasting consequences that areRead MoreThe Depression Of The Great Depression1232 Words   |  5 Pagespeople think that the stock crash was to blame for the Gr eat Depression but that is not correct. Both the crash and depression were the result of problems with the economy that were still underneath society s minds. The depression affected people in a series of ways: poverty is spreading causing farm distress, unemployment, health, family stresses and unfortunately, discrimination increases. America tended to blame Hoover for the depression and all the problems. When the 1932 election came peopleRead MoreThe Great Depression Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: The world had faced two main economic problems. The first one was the Great Depression in the early of 20th Century. The second was the recent international financial crisis in 2008. The United States and Europe suffered severely for a long time from the great depression. The great depression was a great step and changed completely the economic policy making and the economic thoughts. It was not only an economic situation bit it was also miserable making, made people more attentionRead MoreThe Depression Of The Great Depression2071 Words   |  9 PagesPaul Von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor on the 30th January 1933. The Depression did play a vital role in this, however other factors such as the Nazis propaganda, the resentment of the Weimar republic and the political situation of 1932-1933 also contributed to his success. Before the Great Depression, the Nazis gained 12 seats and 2.6% of the vote in the May election of 1928. Despite this, by July 1932, Hitler gained 230 seats and 37.3% of the vote in the Reichstag. This is a dramaticRead MoreThe Great Depression1292 Words   |  6 PagesBefore the crash Before the start of the great depression the United States was a country of great economic wealth, with new technology being invented and a boom in industry. Due to a boom in America’s Industry because of World War One the economy was at an all-time high with a tremendous amount of prosperity. Following the end of world war one the industrial might that America had was being used for peaceful, domestic purposes instead of being used for violence and war. New technologies like carsRead MoreThe Great Depression1731 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1920’s was a decade of discovery for America. As mentioned in â€Å"who was roaring in the twenties? —Origins of the great depression,† by Robert S. McElvaine America suffered with the great depression due to several factors but it managed to stay prosperous at the end. In â€Å"America society and culture in the 1920’s,† by David A. Shannon there was much more to the great depression. It was a time of prosperity an economic change. Women and men were discovering who they were and their value to societyRead MoreThe Great Depression1551 Words   |  6 PagesThe G reat Depression was one of the most devastating events recorded in history. The nation as a whole plummeted in one economic downfall. Few individuals escaped the effects of the depression. The hardship of unemployment and the loss of homes and farms were a large portion of the pain caused by the economic crisis. Through all of these sufferings, women had a large impact on society. Women faced heavy discrimination and social criticism during the Depression Even though through research it is provenRead MoreThe Great Depression1186 Words   |  5 Pagesfriends is the true definition of of what the Great Depression really was. It was a time that most people want to never remember or ever happen again. You would think the United States would have learned from their mistakes but it seems we are going down the same road once again without even taking a step back and realizing it. When people talk about the Great Depression not a single person will have anything good to say about it. It ca used families a great deal of pain that they will never forget. WithRead MoreThe Great Depression1368 Words   |  6 PagesAfter WW1 the Great Depression had a very late impact on the major film companies in France, when it did, it unfortunately caused several film studios to go bankrupt, then in the late 1920’s to 1930’s many small film companies and groups emerged giving birth to the tendency called poetic realism. Because the large companies who made films with a focus on making money were gone the filmmakers and artists were able to concern themselves with the art of film, they often took poetic innovations thatRead MoreGreat Depression7197 Words   |  29 PagesGreat Depression From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia {draw:frame} Dorothea Langes Migrant Mother depicts destitute pea pickers in California, centering on Florence Owens Thompson, age 32, a mother of seven children, in Nipomo, California, March 1936. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression) in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Importance of Technology Free Essays

My transcripts †¢ Transcript 1= luv u 4 ever 🙂 †¢ Transcript 2= u r 2 sweet 2 b 4got10 can u cum c me face2face †¢ Transcript 3= I h8 u!!! †¢ Transcript 4= Jake ur bag is pukka †¢ Transcript 5=iv been chatin with my penpal all day †¢ Transcript 6= how ya doin! †¢ Transcript 7=Jake-â€Å"r ur headphones good† Demal-â€Å"yh their awesome FYI they where only $5. 99 Ali Nasir10BMR. Wotson Introduction †¢ One of the forms of multimodal talk is texting †¢ Texting has captivated a whole generation of young people †¢ Texting has become universal, it is practiced all over the world †¢ Texting is done from mobile to mobile, by sending the text to the mobile number. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now It can also be sent to many at the same time †¢ Texting is thought to be mostly used by the young people and teenagers †¢ The older generations feel that texting has taken the ability of writing and correct spelling to zero, they deplore what texting has done to the English language †¢ Texting is also done as a means of advertising †¢ Large companies text to anyone they can †¢ Doctor surgeries and even schools like the one I study at also use texting to inform patients and parents relative information. †¢ The language of texting has advanced so much since it had started †¢ There are so many ways to text to each other Paragraph 1 †¢ People have found innovative ways of texting with using rebus abbreviation, this is where a name or a word is represented by a picture or pictures suggesting its syllables †¢ They are like puzzles †¢ Punctuation marks and brackets are used to show emotions. We can see this in transcript 1. 🙂 seen upright they mean nothing but look at them sideways and it is a smiling face †¢ Other symbols and numbers are used like , @, 4, 8. Paragraph 2 †¢ The use of abbreviated and shortened forms of words saves time in texting and also shortens texts to keep mobile bills at a minimum, as seen in transcript 2. People are so fast at texting in abbreviations that the mind boggles at the speed of their thumbs †¢ There is efficiency in the way letters are used, and texters shorten words to a minimum. Paragraph 3 †¢ Inotation is defined as the tone or pitch of the voice in speaking or the way a person is speaking like conveying anger, liveliness, being shy. †¢ Inotation cannot really be well conveyed in texting. †¢ The messages loose the true meaning of the sender like shown in transcript 3. †¢ Sometimes miscommunication happens and feelings are hurt. †¢ It is hard to explain what you are really feeling through texting. When we communicate body language and tone of voice play an important role. †¢ When we try intonating in a text the other person may read something different in the explanation marks you have sent. †¢ Sometimes Imitation in the text can read a double meaning. Paragraph 4 †¢ The use of non standard words in the texting world has become so popular that almost everyone who texts knows the meanings of the abbreviated words. †¢ Also dialect of different places is making its way into texting. †¢ Like we see words such as lush or mint being used in other regions of England. For example in Manchester â€Å"mint† means really good and â€Å"mardy† means moody , in whales â€Å"lush† means very nice and in London â€Å"pukka† means very good. †¢ We see their uses in transcript 4. †¢ The use of slang in texting has also found a place in texting. †¢ To a person who dose not text, the language use must seem foreign. Paragraph 5 †¢ In non standard words a new form of communication has emerged. †¢ For example a text pal is a person that you never talk to or see, but you ju7st text to like a pen pal. Another example is saying things like â€Å"text of the devil† a version of speak of the devil. The way we would use these new words can be seen in transcript 5. †¢ A whole new dictionary would have to written just to accommodate all the new words that have sprung up in this new texting age. Paragraph 6 †¢ The use of incomplete sentences or the use of phrases instead of using the proper grammatical sentences is common in texting, †¢ When you use incomplete sentences you fail to express th e total meaning. †¢ Shortening of sentence or use of phrases is fine while texting because of maybe, the lack of time or space texting like in transcript 6. †¢ Phrases also are a part of this new language and most teenagers will know hundreds of them. It is like a second language for them. †¢ These are a few popular phrases in texting; BFF (best friends forever), FYI (for your information), IDC (I don’t care), JC (just chilling), GAL (get a life). †¢ We can see how to use a phrase in transcript 7. Paragraph 7 †¢ I think one of the similarities between texting and speech is that we text the way we speak. †¢ We text the words the way they sound, not like the way they are spelt in the dictionary. †¢ We text phonetically. †¢ Spelling goes out of the window. †¢ The content of the text that is written is a different matter. We see that many words are taken out of the sentences to make them shorter and if we read these shortened text mess ages out loud we would sound like cavemen in cartoons or like Tarzan saying,† me Tarzan, you Jane. †¢ Even I say to my mum SOZ (sorry), LOL (laugh out loud) and CBA (can’t be asked). †¢ My mum is always shouting at me to speak proper English Paragraph 8 †¢ When it comes to actual writing students are using text language instead of proper English in their studies †¢ This is creating problems in our schools, colleges and the workplace †¢ Texting is a distraction and stops you from paying attention to what is happening around you. Students are found texting in classes instead of paying attention of what is happening in the classroom. †¢ Texting has its negatives but it also has its positives. †¢ It keeps people connected to each other. †¢ Testers are always updating each other of what is going on there and then. †¢ Sometimes it is better to quietly text than to talk in a public place and disturb others. †¢ For every new tec hnology there will always be positives and negatives. †¢ I think there is always a middle way in which we can use texting and not go to the extreme. How to cite Importance of Technology, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Describe A Person Who Has Significantly Influenced You Essay Example For Students

Describe A Person Who Has Significantly Influenced You Essay I shudder at the sight of it. Id rather see them steal that salad than throw itaway, my father bellows in consternation after witnessing the closing rituals atWendys. Pa, they do it so they can serve fresh food tomorrow, I defend the fast foodemployees actions. Despite our past four and a half years in the Land of Plenty, my father clingsto his frugality and tremendous respect for food, acquired by necessity throughout hislife in the Soviet Union. The sharp contrast between my Americanized perspectiveand old views and habits retained by my father makes such debates a commonoccurrence. Besides performing all the prescribed functions of a parental unit, myfather helps me attain objectivity in my judgments by demonstrating how culturalbackground affects our view of situations. Coming to the United States at the age of thirteen felt like falling into a roaringstream without any swimming skills. Dog paddling, panting, and swallowing gallons ofwater on the way, I learned to keep myself afl oat and gradually gained experience. Cultural adaptation was not a choiceit was a survival need. Along with comic stripsand smiles at supermarkets, my mind absorbed such elements of American culture asequal opportunity and self-confidence. The existence of programs such as English asa Second Language at my junior high school persuaded me that these concepts wereimplemented in daily life. I was thrilled that someone had toiled to ensure thatforeigners like myself had the same access to education as the other students. Thusconvinced of the tangibility of American beliefs, I began to deem them universal. On the other hand, my father, a 45-year old when we arrived, still perceivesreality in Soviet terms, with American customs being an exception to the rule. Hiscomments on the news radically differ from what my American friends have to say. When the hospitalization of the Russian President Boris Yeltsin had the worldpondering Russias future, my father inferred latent meanings from newspaper articles. I can only trust half of what they say, he would grumble. Here they say thePresident doesnt have a liver condition, which, of course, means that he does.Stemming from the paucity of integrity in the old Soviet Union, disbelief and sarcasmpermeate Papas personal philosophy. Dismissing all things immaterial as irrelevant, my father often ridicules the ideas Ihold dear, such as political correctness. Some of my activities he does not question,but admits that their value is a mystery to him. Why do you want to take literatureclasses? he asks me with genuine amazement. You can read on your own, why domore homework? Yet my enrollment in numerous math and science classes does notbaffle him, math and science being matters of substance. When I challenge the legitimacy of Papas beliefs, he rolls his eyes and says, Iam too old to change my typical Soviet mind. At first that seemingly feeble excuseinfuriated me, but then the validity of it started to register. While verbally crossingswords with my father, I realized that only four years ago, I would have sincerelysupported his every word. Further reflection upon this thought led me to be moreattentive to others point of view. Now, when engaged in a discussion, I ask myself,what causes this person to think this way? Viewing the issue from several aspects, Igain a more profound and objective insight. My father provides a point of reference,reminding me of unique circumstances that shape everyones perspective.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Anorexia nervosa essays

Anorexia nervosa essays Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most commonly known and yet least recognized eating disorders. Anorexia is a mental illness, which affects both boys and girls within normal weight ranges who think they are overweight. The early stages of Anorexia are often difficult to detect. A person should know what to look for as far as early symptoms and know what steps to take to help, but the most important thing would be to try to figure out what underlying problems could be responsible for the condition. Anorexia begins with feelings of self-confidence and higher self esteem as the result of a more "attractive" appearance making the person feel as if they are more capable of handling social interaction (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). As the anorexia progresses, his/her preoccupation with staying thin, which he or she believes gave his/her feelings of success, caused his/her to concentrate even more on his/her weight (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). Eventually, the anorexic's body will start to deteriorate, his/her self-esteem will diminish, and he or she will begin to remove themselves from social interaction (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). Communication with his/her family or friends will also be reduced or strained (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). In the beginning stages a person could notice that the anorexic is exercising excessively or prone to hyperactivity. (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). The anorexic will display unusual eating behaviors, and constantly express the fear of gaining weight, even though they do not. Anorexics are often high achievers. He or she will be one of the teacher's favorites, because they never cause any trouble and think their best is never good enough (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). Additionally, they never talk back to their parents, and never fuss (Anorexia, Dying to Be Thin p.1-13). If the anorexic fails, she fears that people won't have anything to do with her. Anorexics se...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Introduction to the Major Laws of Physics

Introduction to the Major Laws of Physics Over the years, one thing scientists have discovered is that nature is generally more complex than we give it credit for. The laws of physics are considered fundamental, although many of them refer to idealized or theoretical systems that are hard to replicate in the real world. Like other fields of science, new laws of physics build on or modify existing laws and theoretical research. Albert Einsteins  theory of relativity, which he developed in the early 1900s, builds on the theories first developed more than 200 years earlier by Sir Isaac Newton. Law of Universal Gravitation Sir  Isaac Newtons groundbreaking work in physics was first published in 1687 in his book The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, commonly known as The Principia. In it, he outlined theories about gravity and of motion. His physical law of gravity states that an object attracts another object in direct proportion to their combined mass and inversely related to the square of the distance between them. Three Laws of Motion Newtons  three laws of motion, also found in The Principia, govern how the motion of physical objects change. They define the fundamental relationship between the acceleration of an object and the forces acting upon it. First Rule: An object will remain at rest or in a  uniform state of motion unless that state is changed by an external force.  Second Rule:  Force  is  equal to the change in  momentum  (mass times velocity) over time. In other words, the rate of change is directly proportional to the amount of force applied.  Third Rule: For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.   Together, these three principles that Newton outlined form the basis of classical mechanics, which describes how bodies behave physically under the influence of outside forces. Conservation of Mass and Energy Albert Einstein introduced his famous equation E mc2 in a 1905 journal submission titled, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. The paper presented his theory of special relativity, based on two postulates: Principle of Relativity: The laws of physics are the same for all inertial reference frames.  Principle of Constancy of the Speed of Light: Light always propagates through a vacuum at a definite velocity, which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. The first principle simply says that the laws of physics apply equally to everyone in all situations. The second principle is the more important one. It stipulates that the  speed of light  in a vacuum is constant. Unlike all other forms of motion, it is not measured differently for observers in different inertial frames of reference. Laws of Thermodynamics The  laws of thermodynamics  are actually specific manifestations of the law of conservation of mass-energy as it relates to thermodynamic processes. The field was first explored in the 1650s by  Otto von Guericke  in Germany and  Robert Boyle  and  Robert Hooke  in Britain. All three scientists used vacuum pumps, which von Guericke pioneered, to study the principles of  pressure,  temperature, and  volume. The  Zeroeth Law of Thermodynamics  makes the notion of  temperature  possible.The  First Law of Thermodynamics  demonstrates the relationship between internal energy, added heat, and work within a system.The  Second Law of Thermodynamics  relates to the natural flow of heat within a  closed system.The  Third Law of Thermodynamics  states that it is impossible to create a  thermodynamic process  that is perfectly efficient. Electrostatic Laws Two laws of physics govern the relationship between electrically charged particles and their ability to create electrostatic force  and electrostatic fields.   Coulombs Law is named for Charles-Augustin Coulomb, a French researcher working in the 1700s. The force between two point charges is directly proportional to the magnitude of each charge and  inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. If the objects have the same charge, positive or negative, they will repel each other. If they have opposite charges, they will attract each other.Gausss Law is named for  Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German mathematician  who worked in the early 19th century. This law states that  the net flow of an electric field through a closed surface is proportional to the enclosed electric charge. Gauss proposed similar laws relating to magnetism and electromagnetism as a whole. Beyond Basic Physics In the realm of relativity and quantum mechanics, scientists have found that these laws still apply, although their interpretation requires some refinement to be applied, resulting in fields such as quantum electronics and quantum gravity.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Technology Implementation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Technology Implementation Paper - Essay Example There are numerous examples: travel and holiday agents are all linked by networks directly to the databases maintained by airlines, railways and holiday companies making possible virtually instantaneous booking, computing cash tills and bar-code readers in supermarkets are linked to computers and form part of an integrated stock control, ordering and sales analysis system without which modern supermarkets could not function. New technology is having effects on organization structures. Because of the easier and speedier communications and the increasing sophistication of automatic decision making by computers, middle management is tending to disappear in many organizations including service centers and manufacturing, hospitals and trade organizations, etc. (Frame, D.J., (2002). Organizations are becoming flatter and leaner because top management are able to monitor operations more directly and computers are now taking many decisions previously taken by middle management. Examples include: computerized stock and production control in manufacturing, automatic credit scoring and loan authorizations in banks. IT is also changing the nature of the debate about centralization versus decentralization. Properly planned technology systems with distributed data processing enable both more centralization of standards, performance targets and policies and more decentralization of operations through more immediate an d speedier service to customers (Bretschneider, Heintze, 2000). Also, restructuring involves changes in routine processes towards goals-oriented performance. Following Bohmer et al (2001) "The design of a technology often reinforces a habitual routine; for example, the design of a commercial aircraft's cockpit is conducive to certain standard operating procedures for takeoff and landing" (685). In this case, transaction processing systems are pre-specified and changes require the intervention of system specialists; transaction processing comprises: activity processing, report processing and enquiry processing. Businesses are increasingly being reorganized into processes rather than functions (Knop et al, 1998). This is known as process re-engineering and means that firms must identify their core processes and design them so that delays, confusion and demarcations are reduced or eliminated. For instance, the case of The Bell Group vividly portrays implementation of CRM (Customer Relationship management) system and its success for the company. The project includes such areas as accounting, manufacturing, warehousing, field service, and shipping systems. All technological systems were launched separately in order to avoid mistakes and errors (The Bell Group, 2005). It is now possible for managers to obtain information on organizational performance down to the level of specific transactions from just about anywhere in the organization at any time. This new intensity of information makes possible far more precise planning, forecasting, and monitoring (Schwalbe, 2005). A New Employee Managers must deal with new people issues because the changes brought about by technology definitely require a new kind of employee. The use of technology requires more problem solving skills and the ability to interpret data and is thus likely to lead to a widening gulf between skilled and unskilled workers. Routine tasks requiring a low level of skill are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior Literature review

Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others - Literature review Example Environmental factors may involve the host culture and available output opportunities. While there are some methods that seem to work more effectively for second language vocabulary acquisition, Many researchers and professionals have recently taken great interest in the strategies for learning second language vocabulary. These include linguists, psychologists, sociologists, and language teachers (Meara 1997). By their studies they examined many different strategies for learning vocabulary: rote memorization with, or without, a language lab, translation exercises, drill and practice, live and digital computer aided conversation, listening to music or stories, with or without the text in hand or on screen, matching and other word games, watching movies and other videos, with or without subtitles, reading books or booklets, with or without looking up unknown words and writing sentences, conversations, scripts and stories, with or without using a dictionary (Cohen, 76, 2001). Crucial to vocabulary, or another, learning is assessment. Even students using self-study need assessment to guide them in what to study. Assessment methods that work without being intrusive or interferin g with learning processes are best (Stahl, Katherine A. DoughertyBravo,Marco A. 2010). Guessing, not mentioned earlier, as a strategy towards vocabulary acquisition in a second language is commonly encouraged (McCarthy, 102, 1990). The first language develops naturally, not as a result of direct instruction, but by trial and error (Ellis, 125, 1997). The child tries a sound and looks for a response. Then the child tries to repeat the sound and looks for the same response. Eventually the child discovers that certain sounds are connected to certain responses, many of which fulfill the needs of the child, some which do little or nothing and some which get undesirable responses. Therefore, second language development should work well following the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Bibliography Example Journal of Sport Management, 27(6); 439-452. In this study, Daniel and Jeremy cover the role of running in creating self-sufficiency for homeless individuals through a community based running program. Running programs are one of the sports that these homeless youths can use to become self-sufficient. Communities can organize different sports in their localities to engage these categories of youths. In the recent years, much attention has focused on sports for development programs as it is viewed as the solution to many socials problems that happen in the society. Some of these sports are designed to help improve the lives of disadvantaged populations across the world such as immigrants and the homeless. The United Nations has also recognized sports as the best avenue to help in the development of goals and peace building. Therefore, the best way that these homeless youths can be able to nurture and even identify their talents is through sports. Running competition allows the youths to participate and through the same, their mi nds are engaged and even opened up to realize that they have a potential to nurture themselves and become self reliant. The reason for selecting the article is because it is credible and peer reviewed. Its main point of discussion is related to the topic of study. The article is credible because of the intensive research that was done. It expounds on the question raised as it provides a perspective on how the homeless youths can become self-sufficient. It proposes involvement in community games such as running. It also provides a very concrete backing of why running and involvement in sports is a recommendable thing for such group of people. It refers to the reports of the United Nations and other researches already done on how involving in sports help in achieving the goals pursued. McInnes, D., Li, A., & Hogan, T. (2013). Opportunities for Engaging Low-Income, Vulnerable

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Research On The Importance Of Financial Planning Finance Essay

Research On The Importance Of Financial Planning Finance Essay The financial plan is an important part of both the business plan and of the entrepreneurs day-to-day management of operations. The financial planning puts the entrepreneur in touch with the realities of a financing request. This understanding will help clearly identify the amount of financing needed, the purpose for the funds, the length of time the funds are needed, and how the financing will be repaid. These issues are of key concern to the prospective financier Financial Plan The various operating plans prepared by the entrepreneur indicate where the firm is expected to go and how it will get there. The financial plan estimates and plans for the financial needed to implement these intentions. It, along with the market analysis and marketing plan, is the most critical component of the business plan. (Arthur and Stephanie, 1995) Some entrepreneurs might think of the financial plan as being strictly about the numbers, it is much more than that by providing a basis for making many decisions about the business. Decision such as how many employees to hire, what suppliers will be used, and what equipment will be purchased will be largely made while completing the financial plan. As is true with marketing and operations, one plan has to be streamlined with the other. The financial plan needs to reflect the marketing activities and the level of production that were outlined previously in the plan. (Arthur and Stephanie, 1995) Good financial planning helps a company maximize cash flow with pinpointed resource allocation and investment strategies. On the other hand, that means money can become tied up in long-term investments and investment strategies And if a companys strategic plan or financial plan ends up being woefully wrong, it may not have the money it needs to immediately rectify a problem. (Brian Boone, 2004) Its much harder to convince shareholders and stakeholders of a company how to properly execute the companys finances; its easier to get everyone behind a strategy, because its goal-oriented, not cash-oriented. But the two can be integrated. (Arthur and Stephanie, 1995) Financial plan calculation statements (shown in Appendixes) Business Plan A business plan is a document that is used to guide the new entity created by an acquisition or joint venture project. Business plans vary by project and are shaped by many considerations, but the basis of business plan is the development of the mission, goals, and objectives of the new entity consistent with the strategy, goals, and objectives of the acquiring or the parent company. The business plan includes a fairly detailed financial plan describing the timing and quantities of key financial variables with respect to revenues, expenses, capital outlays, and cash flows. However, providing performance targets and monitoring operational performance, linking management objectives and performance with operational performance, and describing a feedback and control mechanism to assess the new entity performance versus expectations and targets are value-added characteristics. The business plan is an important communication tool for delivering a consistent message concerning acquiring or parent firm expectations, goals and objectives, priorities, and operational targets of the new entity. Another useful function the business plan performs is to lay out requirements and issues that need to be addressed, coordinated, or resolved. Finally, as the environment and operating conditions change, the business plan provides the structure to evaluate the impact of changes on strengths and weaknesses of new entity. (John, 1999) A good business plan for a sound business concept can helps to achieve in business goals. It can saves the companys money and time by focusing on the business activities, and giving more control over the finances, marketing, and daily operating and helps to raise the capital of the company. (Rhonda, 2003) Bank loan Borrowed money is often the key to building and growing a successful small business. For independent business owners, however, courting lenders isnt always easy. Heres how to make a strong case and win over even the choosiest banks. By Matt Alderton. Small business owners can choose bank loan when they need to borrow money. But, if the owner having a bad credit record can be a big hindrance in terms of asking financial assistance in the future and this is a fact everyone should remember in making future loans. Messing up with the financial liabilities can land in with a bad credit record. It would be difficult to borrow money with bad record. Financial institutions like banks and even small lending organizations are strict with customers wanting to borrow money with bad record since it might be a bad investment for them. People in dire need of financial assistance with a bad credit record can just put them in the brink of bankruptcy. 5.0 Question 3.1 The companys projected sales are exceed the company objectives and the company accountant decides to advise the Board of Director later, therefore the companys financial plan may be ineffective because of the delaying release the information to the Board of Director. As there the demand is higher as the companys objective, the delaying to inform the Board of Director about the exceed sales, the director will unable to borrow loan from the bank because of the qualification may be failed. Mostly, bank wouldnt borrow loan to high-risk borrower due to the poor credit profile of the borrower, the bank would worried that the borrower might not affordable to payback for the loan if the company is almost facing a huge run out of funds. The financial plan will be ineffective and confused all the operating system of the production. Therefore, the company would face the problems like insufficient production resource and raw materials to produce goods to the customers, and the lack of fund to make payments like insufficiency to pay salary to workers or any other operating expenses. It will also cause the lack of confidential from the customer because of the lack of production material in the company. The poor financial planning might caused the company get into debts as well and it will lead to bankruptcy that failed of business. (1078 words)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Spanish Revolution :: essays research papers

Ever since the fall of 1930 when the Spanish Revolution began there has been no surcease of the struggle in Spain. For a long time there was a deadlock of forces, an equilibrium in the tug of war between the property holders and the destitute. Now the equilibrium is being definitely broken. The issue before Spain is either Communism or Fascism. The matter is being fought out not with ballots but with bullets and ruthless civil war. Slowly the political revolution is being definitively turned into a social revolution. From the very beginning, the mass of workers of Spain, both in the city and in the country were the decisive elements. When the students rioted before the universities in 1930 it was only when the workers joined them with a vast general strike that the regime of the military dictator, Primo de Rivera, fell and the temporary regime of General Berenguer set up. When General Berenguer tried to hold fake elections without extending the franchise to all, it was another general strike that overthrew the regime, compelled new elections, forced the king to flee and established the republic in April 1931. At this point the Syndicalist and Anarchist workers began to miscalculate their forces. Syndicalism and Anarchism, in spite of their revolutionary phraseology were able only to overthrow the old regime and to allow the new democratic republic to be set up; but these movements could not go forward to the positive constructive tasks of setting up the rule of the workers. These antiquated movements were good enough to accomplish the negative and critical tasks of overthrowing an antiquated monarchy; they did not know how to deal with a modern bourgeois republic. In the course of the revolutionary movement there was set up what in fact amounts to a dual power, the masses respecting the authority of the unions and the revolutionary organizations, the government being forced at times to yield to the opinions of these mass organizations on vital questions. At one time the bourgeois government was even forced to declare that Spain was a workers republic and to feign friendliness toward the Soviet Union. The leaders of the toilers' organizations, however, did not know what to do with their power. The lending groups were composed of four principal elements: the Anarchists, the Syndicalists, the Socialists and the Communists. The Anarchists were powerful enough within the trade union movement to exercise decisive influence for a time upon the whole situation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The American Era

The American Era Historical Background * The Filipino revolutionists won against the Spaniards who colonized us for more than 300 years. * The Fil-American war resulted in the defeat of Gen. Miguel Malvar in 1903. * The American Rule was influenced by two factors: 1. ) EDUCATION- many were given a chance to study and English was used as the medium of instruction. 2. WRITERS- went through stages of development to acquire enough proficiency in the new language – imitative of the style and the subject matters of the American and European authors * Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like news, reporting, poetry, stories, plays, essays, novels, etc. Their writings clearly depicted their love of country and their longings for independence. * Imitation soon faded, writers began to turn to: native ideas and circumstances- inspiration for their writings.Movement Against the U. S. Colonialism * the printing press was used to block the American culture from entering the P hilippine lifestyle * Newspapers in our different dialects flourished all over the archipelago. * *Writers were given the chance to show and prove the true talent of the Filipinos * *Writers during these period drew ideas from the Propaganda Movement and the Revolutionary Characteristics of Literature During American Regime Three groups of writers contributed to Philippine Literature during this period. * Literature in Spanish The inspiration of Filipino writers in Spanish was Rizal. * Rizal’s two novels (Noli and Fili) contained the best qualities of a novel ever written, in English or in Filipino. * Those who were inspired to write in praise of Rizal were Cecilio Apostol, Fernando Ma. Guerrero, Jesus Balmori, Manuel Bernabe, Claro M. Recto, etc. Example: by Manuel Bernabe Recodar! Ay del alma que recuerde! la quiebra que ha sufrido la ilusion la memoria es la fiera que nos muerde el pobre Corazon English translation: To remember! Poor soul that recordsThe sufferings you und erwent in illusion Memory is the fire that snared My poor heart. * Literature in Tagalog * Florante at Laura of Francisco Balagtas and Urbana at Felisa of Modesto de Castro became the inspiration of the Tagalog writers. * The advent of American period includes (1)Tagalog Drama (2)Tagalog Short Story (3)Tagalog Poetry * Julian Cruz Balmaceda classified three kinds of Tagalog poets. They were: * Poet of the Heart (Makata ng Puso) * Poets of Life (Makata ng Buhay) * Poets of the Stage (Makata ng Tanghalan) * Literature in English We can trace the beginnings of Philippine literature in English with the coming of the Americans thus, this period is divided into three time frames, namely: * The Period of Re-orientation: 1898-1910 * By 1900, English came to be used as a medium of instruction in the public schools. From the American forces were recruited the first teachers of English. * By 1908, the primary and intermediate grades were using English. It was also about this time when UP, the forerunner in the use of English in higher education, was founded. Writers of this period were still adjusting to the newfound freedom after the paralyzing effect of repression of thought and speech under the Spanish regime. * The Period of Imitation: 1910-1925 * By 1919, the UP College Folio published the literary compositions of the first Filipino writers in English. They were the pioneers of in short story writing. * They were then groping their way into imitating American and British models which resulted in a stilted, artificial and unnatural style, lacking vitality and spontaneity. * Writers of this folio included Fernando Maramag, Juan F. Salazar, Jose M.Hernandez, Vicente del Fierro and Francisco Tonogbanua. * The Period of Self-Discovery: 1925-1941 * By this time, Filipino writers had acquired the mastery of English writing. * They now confidently and competently wrote on a lot of subjects although the old-time favorites of love and youth persisted. * They went into all for ms of writings like the novel and the drama. Other Forms of Literature * Ilocano Literature * Pedro Bukaneg: Father of Ilocano Literature. His name was derived from the word Bukaneg meaning Balagtasan. * Claro Caluya: Prince of Ilocano Poets. Known as poet and novelist. Leon Pichay: known as the best Bukanegero (from Bukaneg). Also a poet, novelist, short story writer, dramatist and essayist. * Literature of the Kapampangans (Pampango Literature) * Juan Crisostomo Soto: (Father of Kapampangan Literature). The word CRISOTAN (meaning Balagtasan) in Tagalog is taken from his name. * Aurelio Tolentino: He truly proved his being a Kapampangan in his translation of KAHAPON, NGAYON AT BUKAS into Kapampangan which he called NAPON, NGENI AT BUKAS. * Visayan Literature * Eribert Gumban: (Father of Visayan Literature) He wrote a zarzuela, a moro-moro and a play in Visayan. Magdalena Jalandoni: She devoted her talent to the novel. She wrote ANG MGA TUNUK SAN ISA CA BULACLAC. LITERARY GENRES POE TRY * Written in 3 languges (Filipino, Spanish, English and in the different dialects) * Some known poets were: Maximo KalawPaz Marquez Benitez Carlos P. RomuloMaria Agoncillo Carlos Bulosan Salvador P. Lopez * There were three collection of poems printed, namely: * Filipino Poetry edited by Rodolfo Dato * The English German Anthology of Poets edited by Pablo Laslo * a pre-war collection by Carlos Bulosan ESSAYS Essays during this period improved with years in quality and quantity, in content, in subject and style. * The notable writers of essay during this period were: * Political, social reflective essays * Critical essays * Personal or Familiar essays * The notable writers of essay during this period were: * 1940: Salvador P. Lopez’ Literature and Society * 1940: Camilo Osias – The Filipino Way of Life * 1941: F. B. Icasiano (Mang Kiko) were reprints of the best of Icasiano’s essays in the Sunday Times Magazine under the column From My Nipa Hut. SHORT STORY S hort stories in English of early Filipino fictionists are marked with American style * changed with the founding of the UP Writers Club (1926) whose aim was to enhance and propagate the â€Å"language of Shakespeare† * â€Å"Dead Stars† by Paz Marquez Benitez- was made the landmark of the maturity of the Filipino writer in English * Many writers followed Benitez like: Icasiano Calalang Manuel Arguilla Arturo Rotor * Paz Latorena *STARTED PUBLISHING STORIES MANIFESTING SKILLS IN THEUSE OF THEFORIEGN LANGUAGE & AKEEN FILIPINO SENSIBILITY * The combination of the foreign language and the culture of a Filipino enabled fictionists to roduce great literary works * The public can now relate to the story because the public also experiences what the story has to say and they can now understand the language being used by the writer. Works like: * His Native Soil by Juan C. Laya * How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife by Manuel Arguilla * many other stories which depicted the F ilipino life NOVEL * With the founding of the Philippine Writers League in 1936, Filipino writers began discussing the value of literature in the society they lived in. * this move was led by: Salvador P.Lopez whose works centered on proletarian literature * Other novelists of this period are: * Jose Garcia Villa * Francisco Arellana * Fernando Maria Guerrero * Amador Daguio * Sinai Hamada * Ilokano novelists: * Leon Pichay * Hermogenes Belen * Mena Pecson Crisologo (whose â€Å"Mining wenno Ayat ti Kararwa† is considered to be the Ilokano version of Noli Me Tangere) SARSWELA * During this period, SARSWELA GAINED POPULARITY * Most of the sarswelas if not all, are directed against he American imperialists. * Equally remarkable sarswelas durong the period are the works of: * Severino Reyes â€Å"Walang Sugat† Patricio Mariano â€Å"Anak ng Dagat† * Other noted sarswelitas: * Aurelio Tolentino * Juan Abad * Juan Matapang Cruz * Juan Crisostomo Sotto BALAGTASAN * na med after Francisco F. Balagtas * a debate in verse; a political joust * done almost spontaneously between protagonists who debate over the pros and cons of a certain issue * The first ever Balagtasan was held on March 1924 at the Instituto de Mujeres, with Corazon de Jesus and Florentino Collantes as rivals. * Jose Corazon de Jesus as the first ever king of the Balagtasan.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

In French, Its Poser une Question Not Demander

In French, It's 'Poser une Question' Not 'Demander' Mistakes will always be made in French, and now you can learn from them. In English, one has  the option of saying either ask a question or pose a question. But in French, demander  cant be used with the word  question,  even though  demander  means to ask.  Poser une question  is the  best  way.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Il ma demandà © pourquoi.He asked me why.   Ã‚  Puis-je te poser une question  ?Can I ask you a question?   Ã‚  Vous pouvez poser des questions aprà ¨s la prà ©sentation.You can ask questions after the presentation. There are other, less frequently used ways, as well, to ask a question in French, including  adresser une question ( quelquun)  and  formuler une question. Its the way the language has evolved and how its been formalized. Thats how  to ask a question has been taught in French schools and how people normally express it.   Demander  is tricky in other ways, too. This regular French -er verb is also a  faux ami. It resembles the English word demand, but it has nothing to do with this rather strident action. Rather, it is the most common  French verb for the milder to ask, and it can be used to ask for something, like a favor.   Ã‚  Il ma demandà © de chercher son pull. He asked me to look for his sweater. Demander quelque chose quelquun  means to ask someone for something. Note that in French there is no for or other preposition in front of the thing being requested. But there is a preposition in front of the person being asked:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je vais demander un stylo Michel.Im going to ask Michel for a pen. When you want to express that someone demand something, such as a new law, turn to the stronger French verb exiger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Il a exigà © que je cherche son pull.  Ã‚  He demanded that I look for his pullover. As for the French verb poser,  in addition to being used for asking a question, it also means to put down.   Ã‚  Il a posà © son livre sur la table.He put his book on the table.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Leadership, Management, and the Failure of Worldcom Essays

Leadership, Management, and the Failure of Worldcom Essays Leadership, Management, and the Failure of Worldcom Paper Leadership, Management, and the Failure of Worldcom Paper World joined the ranks of failed companies mostly because of the tactics that management and its accountants used to show that the company was earning more money than it was. This was partly in part because of the CEO Bended Beers and his appetite for money. One could have predicted that the company would fail because of the way the company organized its financial balance sheets, and showing more profits that it had. By overstating the profitability of the company, everything cooked Ideal on paper and to Wall Street, but Investors were not able to gauge the actual performance of the company. High-tech consultant Francis McClellan predicted the failure of World in 1997 when World purchased MIMIC. The MIMIC venture contributed a great deal of costs to World in maintaining or replacing its network architecture. The management of World was mainly interested in the short term financial gain and did not even think about the cost it would take to malting the MIMIC structure. Ultimately the combination of high costs with MIMIC, and he Flanagan methods used had a great deal to do with Its failure. The behavior of Bernard Beers, the Chief Financial Officer Scott Sullivan, and Controller David Meyers, showed that the management did not have a great deal of interest in how the company worked, nor in considering how their actions would be affecting the livelihood of the companys workers. These individuals wer e mainly concerned with their own life and the persist of making as much money as possible, and acted without much concern of how these actions or behaviors would affect the ability for the company to survive. Not only did the management and leadership Intentionally alter financial documents for personal gain, but some individuals who tried to tell others outside the company of these accounting issues ere met with termination from their Jobs. There were internal audit staff who began to raise questions about the financial statements, and afterwards were met with resistance and were told to do other work. The management of the corporation Instilled so much fear into Its workers that the workers of the Internal audit group began to work after hours and on weekends so they would not be found out. Workers new the company would soon be failing but stayed on working because those outside the company were ignoring the signs. An aspect that could predict the failure was there was a poor integration of acquired companies into the organizational structure. Management did not make it a priority to make sure that the customers of the acquired companies were handled In sun a way so Tanat customer service was not Ignored . I en leaders also a make it a priority to combine or merge the numerous computer systems which resulted in various systems being duplicated or systems totally failing. Because of this poor integration, the organizational structure began to suffer. Senior management didnt make much effort in trying to get the various divisions of World to cooperate, leading to undermining the affect of providing a unified service network. Without the unity, the various units would not want to work with the other units and things would not get done. For a large corporation such as World, having the different departments get along and cooperate is essential to handle the various global tasks that need completed for the company to be successful. When managers or leaders of an organization are more concerned with what shortcuts they can take to make more money, regardless of how it may affect the company or its workers, most likely this will lead to the companys downfall and failure. Because the leaders of World were so concerned about how they can show the company is making money, even though the company was not performing as well as indicated, they were oblivious to the idea of anything happening to them. These shortcuts or hidden agendas that the management used ultimately violated the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAP). The managers had incentives for violating these principles which led to management to committing fraud and increasing their own salary or stock options, ultimately giving them more income. By violating these principles, a company will fail because of the government being involved in making sure companies are fair and accurate, and if companies are not the government will step in and hold them accountable. Conclusion World, along with Tycoon, Enron, and various other organizations, failed because the management and leaders did not believe they would be held accountable for the performance of the company.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Multiculturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Multiculturalism - Essay Example The US population includes people of different origins and cultures who follow different religion and traditions. Therefore, evolving a system where various kinds of people live together in harmony becomes essential. The very concept of multiculturalism was brought in by the evolution of such a social system in the USA. A general concept can be framed that the association of many cultural models in civilized communities give birth to a commonly accepted new one in the absence of specific dominance by any of them. In many events, collective immigration to a particular province of the country can also force a situation in which a new culture is forced upon the existing community. The paper named ‘American Identity, Citizenship and Multiculturalism’ which was presented by Diana Owen, the associate professor of political science in Georgetown University in the German-American conference, 2005 mentions a term ‘melting pot’ which was used by the playwright Israel Zangwill to describe the process by which immigrants from different parts of the world came together in the US. This particular term denotes a process through which the distinction of cultures in the country would disappear in the long run by the merging of those distinct cultures into an exorbitant one. We can say that this process has taken place in the US for good though there is a possibility for counter arguments. On the whole, a unique culture has developed in the US subsequent to its long term multiculturalism policies. Modern world’s economic progress is doubtlessly connected to the contributions of multiculturalism in the reconstruction of political structure of many leading nations. The fact that a person of African origin became the president of the USA proves that multiculturalism is effectively working in the nation. It has definitely contributed to the socio-economic uplift and unity and integrity of the states. The 19th century was the period when the rate of immigration to the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Explain the Development and Relevance of System Development Life Essay - 1

Explain the Development and Relevance of System Development Life Cycles(IT) - Essay Example ign, implementation, and maintenance.   The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is also known as Information Systems Development or Application Development. Software concept, as the first step, is to identify the need for a new system. It consists of investigative study on whether a business impediment or opportunity exists; carry out a feasibility study to distinguish the cost effectiveness of the solution proposed. The method may employ IT professionals alone or confer with end-users who have the idea to enhance their work. The concept must go along with the organizations strategic plan to ensure compatibility with the overall strategic objectives of the company and must meet management expectations before any budget is allocated for its development. After doing the analysis and requirements fully identified, The IT personnel will perform architectural design and write the applicable specifications for hardware, software, people and data resources. The design must be submitted to the end-users for review to ensure that the design meets their need. The design will act as a blueprint of the new system that would help to identify and rectify flaws before building the final system. Assessed and conforming to the specified requirements, the IT personnel can now start building the final system. If the management decision is to purchase commercial software rather than developing a new customized application, the system development life cycle in most parts remains the same. Evaluation of off-the-shelf software and the process in purchasing the software will replace coding and debugging. Minor coding and debugging maybe required for optional system interface. This will link the existing system to the new system to enable communication between them. Another point to consider in SDLC is the equal importance of the planning stage. A good and precise planning will reduce errors in design stage and save a lot resources. A business and a project plan are formed during the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Robert M. Adams, Moral arguments for Theistic Belief Essay

Robert M. Adams, Moral arguments for Theistic Belief - Essay Example Adams begins with what he thinks is one of the most apparent, though perhaps not the most fashionable, arguments about the farm: the Argument on the Nature of Wrong and Right. He deems that people believe quite firmly that particular things are morally right while others remain morally wrong (for instance, that it not right to torture a person to death only for fun). He goes ahead to raise questions on the nature of what is in these moral beliefs: what does the wrongness or rightness of an act comprise in? He believe that the most satisfactory answer is given by a theory that involves the existence of God – particularly, by a theory that moral wrongness and rightness consist in disagreement and agreement, respectively, with the commands or will of the loving God. The most generally conventional reasons for believing in existence of anything are what its existence is inferred by the theory that appears to account most satisfactorily for some subject matter. He contemplates that his metaethical views provide him with a reason of a substantial weight for believing in God existence. Adams thinks that there is no need of discussing to what extent the advantages of divine command theory may be controlled by theological metaethical theories, for instance, by views according to what moral principles do not rely on the will of God for their cogency, but on his consideration for their ontological positions. Such theories, if someone is inclined to take them, can of course get the basis of theism argument. He thinks it is very important to discuss, and at greater depth than the advantages, the alleged disadvantages of celestial command metaethics. Advantages may be easily acknowledged, but the disadvantages are normally thought to be decisive. He argues that, they these disadvantages are not decisive. There he takes the reader through three major objections that are particularly significant for the present argument as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Strategy Kerry Group Essay Example for Free

Business Strategy Kerry Group Essay In 1972 Kerry Group started its operation in Listowel, Co. Kerry. In 1974 Kerry Group has been formally established as Kerry Cooperative Creameries Limited in County Kerry, Ireland. The company grew in less than 30 years from this small provincial dairy for one of the world leaders in specialty food ingredients producers and distributors. During the 1970s, the company expanded to include a large number of dairy farms and processing plants in the counties of Cork, Killarney, Galway and Limerick. Between 1979 and 1985, Kerry has built a lot of confidence in their abilities and technologies. During the 1980s the business strategy of the organization was based on organic growth with a focus on diversification. With that Kerry began branching out from its core dairy products in other categories of food. The company had its growth through acquisitions including a number of manufacturing facilities and other food processing, located throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland. In 1986 with Denis Brosnan as chief executive, the cooperative decided to become a full-fledged company, listing its shares on the Irish Stock Exchange. The newly public company reported strong growth after its first  full year of operations, with revenues nearing IR £ 300 million, and net profits of nearly IR £ 6.3 million. Before the end of the decade Brosnan managed to double the sales of the company maintaining its Expansion in Ireland with the acquisition of 1986 Snowcream Moate Dairies, and the formation of a division of convenience foods, bringing the company into this increasingly prominent market. Alongside this movement was the intensification of business Kerry special ingredients. At the same time, Kerry also established presence in the United States, the opening of a processing facility dairy product, Jackson, Wisconsin in 1987. In the 1990s Kerry Group continued to expand its business into the UK from the acquisition of new businesses to the already existing portfolio company. Kerrys acquisition drive continued into the late 1990s, bringing the company into France, Italy, Poland, Malaysia, Brazil. Two important acquisitions highlighted Kerrys expansion. The first came in 1994 when the company acquired the business of food processing DCA, bringing the company to a position outstanding among North Americas specialty ingredients producers. The DCA purchase also introduced it to the Australian and New Zealand markets. The opportunity for renewed expansion came in February 1998, when the Kerry Group announced its agreement to purchase the food ingredients businesses of the U.K.s Dalgety PLC. Kerry acquired Dalgety Food Ingredients plants in the United Kingdom and in Hungary and the Netherlandsnew markets for Kerry well as plants in France, Italy, and Germany. The Dalgety acquisition firmly established Kerry as the top specialty ingredients producer in Europe, and one of the worlds leaders in its specific categories. Kerry was now turning its attention to two new markets: the Far East and South America both markets represent a huge potential new customer, both for the companys products and food brands, and products for their  ingredients. Companys initial forays into these markets include acquisitions of plants in Malaysia and Brazil, while the company predicted that these markets are reaching some 25 percent of the companys revenue at the beginning of the next century. Strategic Levels According to Porter Porter in Montgomery (1998) corporate strategy is the general plan for a diversified company, which has two levels of strategy: the strategy of the business unit (or competitive), and corporate strategy (or entire corporate group). To Christensen in Fahey Randall (1999), corporate strategy is one that is concerned with three major issues to be faced by the managers of the corporation: 1. The corporate scope: that complex business corporation should attend? 2. The relationship between its parts: on what basis the business units of the corporation should relate to each other? 3. Methods for managing the scope and relationships: that specific methods acquisitions, strategic alliances, divestitures, and others will be adopted to effect specific changes in corporate scope and relationships?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Educational Strategies for Students with Autism

Educational Strategies for Students with Autism Have a look at the following video which interviews a number of teachers about their work with autistic students. They explain some of the underlying differences in individuals with ASD and suggest strategies for increasing their success in the school setting. Make a note of some of the strategies that they mention. Are they strategies that you have seen used? Within the video there were several different strategies that were introduced, these ranged from individual approaches to work with the student as well as strategies that involved the whole class; not only the student with autism. Kurth and Mastergeorge (2010) comment that there are many teachers and paraeducators that do not have adequate training for students with autism, videos like this can be used as resources for these teachers. The video goes over these strategies and how teachers can integrate them into their classrooms daily. With how the video is set out, there are several teaching strategies that are explicitly talked about however there are also some that are only subtly mentioned or that you can see the teachers doing within the video. However, all these strategies; not just the ones that are explicitly mentioned, have their own places within the classroom to help the students not only succeed but feel comfortable within the classroom and school. The strategies that are mentioned explicitly within the video are; Priming, which is noted as how the teacher; or primary care giver or an aide, informs the student or class about something that is coming. Academic Modification, is explained as modifying lessons and/or activities to be suitable to the student. Home Base, listed as a place for the student to go to when they are needing time to calm down and collect their thoughts. Visual Support, describes the different visual aids that can be utilised within the classroom and outside of the classroom to support the students learning. Reinforcement, this was directly related to positive reinforcement of their behaviours within the classroom and to support personal growth. Although there were only five strategies that are explicitly mentioned within the video, each strategy had other strategies subtly mentioned within their field. Examples of the subtle strategies mentioned are: Priming: Creating classroom and school schedules for the students to follow, explaining to the class the lesson structure, and talking with the student about what anything that may be coming to prepare them. Academic Modification: Explicit teaching of different skills for the student, offering repetition of a certain skill for the student to master, goal setting, and individual learning plans. Visual Support: Seating arrangements for students needing to be closer to the visual aids, cue cards for students to refer to for additional support in the classroom or in social situations, and having the classroom labelled for students to know where everything is located. These strategies whilst on their own may help in individual situations, however when utilised all together, develop into a teaching approach that allows the student to receive optimal support from their teachers and other support staff. During my short time as a casual relief teacher and pre-service teacher I have been privileged enough to use these teaching strategies. These strategies come into practice daily, although I may go between schools these strategies are utilised within each school, however in their own way with subtle differences. Whilst I was teaching at a special school however, there was one classroom that has stood out for me where all 5 overarching strategies were used to a high level. This grade had 7 students ranging from the ages of 8 to 10 all with a mild to severe disorder, with ability levels ranging from mild intellectual disabilities to a student that cannot speak or write. This promoted one aspect that came in on a lesson to lesson basis; academic modification. How this was utilised was that the teacher had an individual learning plan for each student within the classroom and they all had their individual goals that they were aiming for in each lesson. Individual learning plans are intended to have goals and objectives that an individual student can make progress towards within an achievable timeframe, whilst providing an educational benefit (Kurth Mastergeorge, 2010). This became prominent in every lesson as it was separated into different tasks for each student however maintaining the overarching subject topic. Within this grade as well, was the use of priming and visual supports. This was through having a class schedule for each day in pictures that are displayed on a Velcro board. This had a list of pictures for each lesson described as a picture; such as writing had a writing book and pencil, and lunch had a sandwich, in a descending order for the students to look at to have an understanding what the day entails. When I was in the classroom as a relief teacher I would also follow this support with verbal explanations of how the day would go to additionally prime the students for the day. Although the students were already feeling anxious when I do come into their grade because it is a change of routine not having their teacher, through using these priming strategies I have been able to calm the students down enough to begin to feel comfortable with me there for the day. There is one strategy however that I have only seen small amounts of in schools; I was lucky to have the strategy used in this classroom, and that is the use of home base. How the support staff explained to me how the class used this strategy was that when a student is feeling anxious, stressed, aggravated, or distressed they had a soft calming room that they can go to so they can take themselves out of the situation. This was not able to be done on the students own will as they are unable to recognise this, however myself or the support staff would ask the student if they wanted some time in the room. This provided a safe secluded area for the student to calm down from whatever they were experiencing at the time.   I would personally enjoy to see more classes use this strategy as well as it noticeably had a positive effect on the student when they returned to the classroom. Although I may not have a grade of my own yet, using these strategies through relief teaching has improved my own teaching skills in relation to not only students with autism or students with disabilities, but all students. I would suggest that all teachers use these strategies within their daily routine as they have been proven to have a positive impact on the students. Search the WWW for more resources that relate to ABA or Applied Behaviour Analysis. You should search for videos as well as texts. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is an intervention process that uses positive reinforcement to work towards change in behavioural responses. Susan Dodd (2005) suggests that to optimise the ABA persons within it should have interventions for 40 hours per week for a duration of at least 2 years. Dodd (2005) also lists that the interventions be carried out by a team of trained people including that of supervisors, therapists, parents, and peers. This is supported by Granpeesheh et al (2009) in the findings that a within two groups of children; one receiving 40 hours of intervention the other receiving 10 hours, the group with 40 hours per week showed expediential improvements whereas the 10-hour group showed very little improvement. Matson (2012) also explains that the younger the child with autism is when they undertake ABA, they will receive greater benefits from the program than that of older children. What would positive reinforcement be like for a student with autism? All students with autism, all students in general, react to positive reinforcement differently. What one child may experience as positive reinforcement, another may see as the complete opposite. This suggestion is that when positive reinforcements are given, the student is first to be understood. For example, a child with hypersensitivity towards physical contact may take a high five to be a largely positive reinforcement. However, a child with hyposensitivity towards physical contact may see it as an annoyance as their feelings are different to the other child. Temple Grandin (2008) suggests that positive reinforcements be directed towards the childs interests, such as time on the computer; however, she suggests a laptop rather than a desk top as the laptop screens do not flicker in comparison to that of a desk top screen. Although you can have positive reinforcements such as a high five, verbal recognitions such as praising, or activities, when a reinforcement is specialised toward s the individual student a greater outcome can be obtained. An example is when I was teaching a 10-year-old boy in a local special school. I had already developed a relationship with this student at the school so he was comfortable around me within the classroom when his teacher was away. He had come into the school in an upset mood in the morning from an incident at home and whilst not seeing his regular teacher his mood did not improve. However, through building up prior knowledge on the child I knew that he has a very strong passion for Doctor Who. Luckily for me I had brought a book that I was going to surprise him with after I found out I had his grade for the day; my personal Doctor Who pop-up book. After seeing his attitudes, I used this book as positive reinforcement for him, if he could do some work for 10 minutes, he can read for a bit, then 15 minutes then he can read. This proved to not only calm him down as it was his interest, but he also was more productive within the classroom. This would not work on other students for a behav iour reinforcement however with this individual child it is within his interests and can be utilised. Why is it important to observe the consequences and repetition of behaviours? Reinforcers help students with autism build up and improve on their behaviours inside and outside of the classroom. These reinforcers can be positive, negative, and neutral; all of which will prompt different reactions from the student. However, it is imperative that the student be observed before and after the reinforcer is given in the aim to give the student the optimal reinforcer. Food reinforcers are common practice within schools and have been seen to be affective most the time; such as an extra piece of fruit for good behaviour or lunch with the principal. Although food reinforcers are good to utilise, there are many people that will rapidly eat; which can lead to choking or possibly death, and if not recognised will continue their unwanted behaviours to get more food (Matson, Turygin, Beighley, Rieske, Tureck, Matson, 2012). To prevent this from occurring teachers may utilise journals and/or notes on observing student behaviours to try and understand what the student is tryi ng to portray. Common behavioural traits of autistic children are repetitive behaviours these can include rocking, hand flapping, or spinning (Kluth Shouse, 2013). It is important to observe the repetition of behaviours as functional assessment can follow as a form of behavioural intervention. Matson (2012) describes that in a situation of repetitive stretching after observation and assessment treatment packages could be developed and resulted in the behaviours being effectively lessened. How can you calm a student with autism who is anxious and upset? To deliver appropriate calming strategies for a student with autism it is imperative that you first understand the student.   The effective way of getting to understand the student is through getting to know what their triggers are, what may cause this anxiety or upsetting moods. For example, if a student has low communication skills they may be anxious because they are unable to communicate if they require something such as food or trying to express their opinion on a situation. Ways that can be utilised in this situation can be helping the student communicate through alternate means; such as through hand motions, or through talking charts. An example of a student with autism whom I have taught whilst they were upset resulted in the student feeling uncomfortable with a blinking overhead light. Their hypersensitivity towards light resulted in them being upset towards the flickering light. Although I had quickly turned off the set of lights that the flickering one is in, the student remained upset and distressed. The way that I had calmed the student further was that I let the student go to a calming room, where they had access to different sensory items such as stress balls and beanbags (both large to sit on and small to hold); the student was there for about 5 minutes before they returned on their own accord. Through this removal from the situation, the student could calm down and eventually return to the classroom with prompting. Videos and Texts that can be used for teachers and primary care givers. This YouTube video is the beginning of a series of videos that involve different steps of ABA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pN6ydLE4EQ This YouTube video is a university presentation that discusses ABA in an academic approach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri0owHvCDAk Primary care givers may not have the time to research ABA for themselves, however teachers may link them to this YouTube video and website. Autism Speaks not only gives an overview of what ABA is but also how it is utilised in schools. The website also has further autism information for primary care givers to read. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyCx-OLzgJw https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/treatment/applied-behavior-analysis-aba The book; Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis by Roane, Ringahl and Falcomata (2015), is a useful resource for teachers to acquire a basic understanding of the applications of ABA in different situations, Roane, H., Ringdahl, J. E., Falcomata, T. S. (2015). Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis. London: Elsevier Explain how stress and anxiety underpin sensory difficulties (hyper and hypo sensitivities). What strategies can be used to reduce anxiety and stress related to sensory issues. Stress and anxiety effect many people worldwide from children with sensory difficulties; hyper and hypo sensitives, up to fully able adults. Moree and Davis (2010) state that those on the autism spectrum range from 11% to 84% having anxiety disorders as well, averaging out to being 40-50%. Anxiety can be described as someone having excessive fear and avoidance in response to specific objects or different situations, whilst being absent of true danger (Shin Liberzon, 2010). Although anxiety is a known trigger of stress, it is not to be confused as being the sole trigger of stress; another primary trigger is trauma through social, emotional, physical, and psychological occurrences. People with hypersensitivity are understood to have strong emotional and physical reactions, heightened detections of stimuli, and having a heightened apprehension of the stimuli together with an unfocused or unselective attention (Elwin, Ek, Schrà ¶der Kjellin, 2012). This commonly relates back to vision, hearing, and touch (Elwin, Ek, Schrà ¶der Kjellin, 2012), however it also relates to smell and taste as well as can affect all senses. The National Autistic Society (2016) lists some examples in which hypersensitivity may occur: Visual: Can be distorted resulting in objects and bright lights appearing to jump around. Sound: Noise can become magnified to the person. Smell: Smells can be intense and overpowering. Taste: Foods and flavours can be found too strong and overpowering. Touch: Being touched or touching things may become painful or uncomfortable. Individuals that live with hypersensitivities towards different senses may become anxious when they are in different situations as the experiences that they have are predominantly negative. An interviewee by Elwin et al. (2012) mentions that the noise of other children around them was torment, they could not shut it out, it frightened them as well as wearing them out. If someone is experiencing this daily within a classroom, they will begin to associate the classroom with fear and torment, which will lead to having anxiety before entering the classroom and being stressed when they are in the classroom.   Another example given through an interview by Elwin et al. (2012) is that someone has a hypersensitivity in their vision, bright lights are not a good thing to them, they mention that there were times when they would go outside and the light from the sun would make them quite literally sick as well as having the same affect with flashing lights however they describe it as wors e. If this person is in a classroom with one of the lights flickering, which is common, it can cause them to feel anxious as it will be affecting them and from previous experiences they may relate it to being sick. Hyposensitivity is recognised as people that have no indistinct registration of stimuli, less discrimination and recognition of stimuli, and having strong cravings for specific stimuli (Elwin, Ek, Schrà ¶der Kjellin, 2012). These reactions were common to pain, proprioceptive, and interoceptive stimuli. The National Autistic Society (2016) lists some examples in which hyposensitivity may occur in visual, sound, smell, taste, and touch senses: Visual: May have poor depth perception, problems with throwing and catching, clumsiness. Sound: May only hear sounds in one ear, the other ear having only partial hearing or no hearing at all. Smell: Can have no sense of smell and fail to notice extreme odours; this may also include their own body odour. Taste: They may eat or mouth non-edible items such as stones, dirt, and metal. Touch: They may have a high pain threshold. Individuals that are living with hyposensitivity may not have the same anxieties and stresses as those of hypersensitivities however they will still have their own. An example by Elwin et al. (2012) is of one person who describes that he is unable to tell when they are hungry or thirsty and relies on the post symptoms of feeling sick or dizzy from being without food or water for too long. This can lead to stressors arising for when they are going places as they may feel that if they cannot tell when they are hungry or thirsty, theyll get sick or dizzy in public and can result in further issues. Temple Grandin (2008) elaborates that when someone has sensory issues they are to be addressed however not to be mistaken by behavioural issues. Grandin (2008) further explains that there are different accommodations that need be put in place to help people with these sensory issues. Different strategies related to both hyper and hyposensitive sensory issues suggested by Grandin (2008) as well as the National Autistic Society (2016) include: Visual: Wearing a hat inside or sunglasses inside to reduce the lighting in the room. Using a laptop screen over other screens as they do not flicker Having incandescent lights rather than fluorescent. Doing different balancing games such as using a ball to sit on. Having dull coloured paper rather than white. Sound: Wearing headphones or earplugs for half the day, Grandin (2008) suggests not the entire day as no improvements will be made. Using visual supports as teaching tools such as visual outlines of the day. Minimal usage of verbal instructions. Priming people before going to a loud area. Smell: Creating routines in hygiene such as regular times for bathing / washing. Creating a routine of having deodorant or body spray applied to the person with hyposensitivity. Using unscented shampoos for people with hypersensitivity. Creating fragrance-free environments. Taste: Developing dietary programs in relation to having food that is either blander for hypersensitive people or having strong flavours for hyposensitive people. Touch: Limit physical contact. Preparations prior to any physical contact such as telling people that you are going to hug them. Turning clothes inside out to prevent the seam from rubbing. Constrictive clothing for hyposensitive responses. Squeeze machine sessions. If strategies such as these are implemented the environmental and social factors relating to the sensory issues will be reduced, which in result will further bring down anxiety and stress levels within hyper and hyposensitive people. Although it may not entirely remove anxiety and stress, it will help lessen the symptoms to create a more comfortable environment. Reference List: Autism Speaks. (2015). Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Retrieved from https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/treatment/applied-behavior-analysis-aba Autism Speaks. (2008, September 8). Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyCx-OLzgJw Dodd, S. (2005). Understanding Autism. Sydney: Elsevier. Elwin, M., Ek, L., Schrà ¶der, A., Kjellin, L. (2012). Autobiographical Accounts of Sensing in Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 26(5), 420-429. Grandin, T. [University of California Television (UCTV)]. (2008, February 7). My Experience With Autism [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wt1IY3ffoU Granpeesheh, D., Dixon, D. R., Tarbox, J., Kaplan, A. M., Wilke, A. E. (2009). The Effects of Age and Treatment Intensity on Behavioral Intervention Outcomes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(4), 1014-1022. Kluth, P, Shouse, J. (2013). The Autism Checklist. Hoboken: Wiley. Kurth, J., Mastergeorge, A. (2010). Individual Education Plan Goals and Services for Adolescents With Autism: Impact of Age and Educational Setting. The Journal of Special Education., 44(3), 146-160. Matson, J. L, Turygin, N. C., Beighley, J, Rieske, R, Tureck, K, Matson, M. L. (2012). Applied behavior analysis in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Recent developments, strengths, and pitfalls. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(1), 144-150. Moree, Davis. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: Modification trends. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(3), 346-354. Roane, H., Ringdahl, J. E., Falcomata, T. S. (2015). Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis. London: Elsevier Shin, L., Liberzon, I. (2010). The Neurocircuitry of Fear, Stress, and Anxiety Disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology., 35(1), 169-191. The National Autistic Society. (2016). Sensory Differences. Retrieved From http://www.autism.org.uk/sensory The Organization for Autism Research. [ResearchAutism]. (2013, March 7).Understanding Autism: A Guide for Secondary School Teachers (Part 2) [Video File]Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veQKDDE9C_w Wiley, M. [Matt Wiley]. (2012, February 7). ABA Autism Training Chapter 1 The Discrete Trial [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pN6ydLE4EQ Wiseman, E. [HopeNetworkServices]. (2012, June 15). Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorders [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri0owHvCDAk

Friday, October 25, 2019

Economics Elasticity Essay -- Price Elasticity of Demand

Businesses know that they face demand curves, but rarely do they know what these curves look like. Yet sometimes a business needs to have a good idea of what part of a demand curve looks like if it is to make good decisions. If Rick's Pizza raises its prices by ten percent, what will happen to its revenues? The answer depends on how consumers will respond. Will they cut back purchases a little or a lot? This question of how responsive consumers are to price changes involves the economic concept of elasticity. Elasticity is a measure of responsiveness. Two words are important here. The word "measure" means that elasticity results are reported as numbers, or elasticity coefficients. The word "responsiveness" means that there is a stimulus-reaction involved. Some change or stimulus causes people to react by changing their behavior, and elasticity measures the extent to which people react. The most common elasticity measurement is that of price elasticity of demand. It measures how much consumers respond in their buying decisions to a change in price. The basic formula used to determine price elasticity is: If price increases by 10%, and consumers respond by decreasing purchases by 20%, the equation computes the elasticity coefficient as -2. The result is negative because an increase in price (a positive number) leads to a decrease in purchases (a negative number). Because the law of demand says it will always be negative, many economists ignore the negative sign, as we will in the following discussion. An elasticity coefficient of 2 shows that consumers respond a great deal to a change in price. If, on the other hand, a 10% change in price causes only a 5% change in sales, the elasticity coefficient .. ...tical supply curve. For example, if on December 1 the price of apples doubles, there will be minimal effect on the number of apples available to the consumer. Producers cannot make adjustments until a new growing season begins. In the short run, producers can use their facilities more or less intensively. In the apple example, they can vary the amounts of pesticides, and the amount of labor they use to pick the apples. Finally, in the long run not only can producers change their facilities, but they can leave the industry or new producers may enter it. In our apple example, new orchards can be planted or old ones destroyed. Source Consulted Vitali Bourchtein "The Principles of Economics Textbook: An Analysis of Its Past, Present & Future" May 2011 Web 15 May 2015. http://www.stern.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/assets/documents/con_042988.pdf