Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Faculty Mentor Program Ethical And Legal Implications

Faculty Mentor Program: Ethical and Legal Implications According to Hansman (2009) mentoring in universities are both formal and informal relationship. Faculty mentors are engaged in formal relationships when â€Å"advising and chairing doctoral dissertations, thesis, or other student projects† (Hansman, 2009, p. 54). However, mentoring is an informal relationship between faculty mentors and new faculty members. Furthermore, the mentoring relationship may be a challenging experience creating ethical and legal concerns. While mentoring graduate and postgraduate students, Hansman (2009) reflected on how being inexperience in subject matter, overly sympathetic, and unsupportive by faculty mentors â€Å"violated my values and ethical principles† (p. 58). As co-chair (due to lack of expert knowledge in study topic) Hansman established a friendly relationship outside the mentorship in a student’s dissertation process, but threatened to end the mentoring relationship when the student refused to remove offensive statements from the study unsupportive with evidence from the literature. Hansman (2009) also experienced her colleagues’ engagement in conversations reflecting negatively of students which is a violation of student’s confidentiality. Accordingly, Hansman felt that faculty negative conversations about students may discourage other faculty members from mentoring students in future relationships. In agreement with Hansman, faculty members owe it to their students to exhibi t ethicalShow MoreRelatedEssay about Ethical Standards in Research2843 Words   |  12 Pagesthat an ethical researcher should consider are â€Å"justice, beneficence and respect for persons† (Lindorff, 2010, p. 53). 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