Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Problem Of Child Abuse - 1909 Words

Introduction Child abuse is a rising topic of discussion in sociological debates across the nation due to the increased awareness concerned professionals are bringing to it. The issue has long been diagnosed as generational and cyclic in nature, where children who receive abuse grow up and replicate the process on their own offspring, and so on and so forth. This analysis attempts to illuminate possible connections between various factors within the parent’s lives that may correlate to child abuse in the home. Connections between the reproductive process (birth control, reproductive freedom, and population policies), economic stresses, character-based traits, and occupational stressors will be presented, analyzed, and then correlated†¦show more content†¦The 50 percent that Seager speaks of is comprised mostly of industrialized or Western nations with relatively easy access to some sort of modern contraceptive, such as condoms which can be bought at most gas statio ns in America. With every contraceptive, there still lies a chance of pregnancy, and if one of these chance events becomes a reality the possibility of child abuse rises significantly. Children that are deemed â€Å"mistakes† by their parents begin their lives with a lower level of acceptance into the world than that of a child that was planned. Immediately the bond between the parent and the child is damaged, which according to Wallace is a part of the psychodynamic model of child abuse; â€Å"lack of bonding between the parent and the child is an important factor in child abuse† (48). Essentially, â€Å"These individuals are unable to bond with children, and when crisis occurs, they respond with abusive acts† (48, Wallace). Children in these situations do not ask to conceived, yet they enter the world in search of nourishment and care by the man and woman that created them, instead they are met by being abused because of the confusion and regret of their existence by their parents. Connection between reproductive freedom and childShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Child Abuse1134 Words   |  5 Pagesfollowing paper is about Child Abuse. This paper will look into the description of the problem, the policies that has helped solved the problem, involvement in resolving the problem, and person recommendations on changing the approach of the problem. Description of the Problem/History Child abuse is a form of any sexual activity that a child doesn’t give consent to. Whether it may be sexually or physically if the child is not mentally ready it is still a form of abuse. Child abuse also can lead to differentRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse Essay1338 Words   |  6 PagesChild abuse Recently, one of the most alarming problems in America is child abuse. In fact this problem threaten the future of the country which lies in its youth energy and mind because of this problem the society, cannot brought up a generation can be relied upon, but they brought up a generation of criminals do not want anything except the destruction of the society, which was the reason for the demolition of their lives. According to World health organization child abuse is physical, sexual orRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1055 Words   |  5 Pages One of the biggest problems children deal with, especially younger ones is child abuse. â€Å"In 2009, the child protective services across the country received 3.3 million reports of child abuse. The farther the child protective services would investigate they discovered more than 700,000 children that had been abused or mistreated.† (Kauchak and Eggen 51) The U.S Congress in the Family Services Act of 1988 came up with a definition of all types of abuse. (Mufson and Kranz 26) There is neglect, emotionalRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1388 Words   |  6 PagesChild Abuse Community Agency To solve the problem we must first understand it. As a young person I believe that the issue of child abuse needs to be addressed. It is crucial for society to comprehend the extensive problems that it causes and how it impacts people. Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children. Anything deliberately to hurt a child or young person physically, sexually, emotionally or psychologically is child abuse. The five subtypesRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse994 Words   |  4 PagesAbuse is to treat a person or object with cruelty or violence, and usually happens more than once. Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver through action or failing to act, will cause injury or will cause death to a child. This happens in many different ways, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Every year more than three million reports of child abuse are filed and every year that number increases. This is a problem that has happened for over one hundred years. The baby boomerRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse880 Words   |  4 PagesThese are activities that are targeted at members of the community and general population with the aim to raise awareness about the problems of child abuse. It involves an approach that targets helping families and children before child abuse occurs and not intervening after the harm has been done. This is very essential as every child deserves to gro w up and be nurtured in an environment that is safe and stable which helps in the child’s total development such as the physical, emotional, cognitiveRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1945 Words   |  8 Pagescare for them. Samantha had completing the 11th grade and during the summer before her senior year of High School, she realized she was pregnant again. This time Samantha was pregnant with triplets. This time she lost two babies and the remaining child was at risk of autism. The doctors discovered that the babies’ brain wasn’t developing as it should be. Teens do not realize the responsibilities that came along with having sex, especially unprotected sex. Teen pregnancies can be reduced withRead MoreChild Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem1037 Words   |  5 Pagesafraid to go home because of what awaits. Child abuse is a worldwide problem and it doesn’t matter what age, religion, gender, or ethnicity you are, it happens everywhere. It is negle cting, emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment. Child abuse has serious physical and psychological consequences which affect the health and overall well-being of a child. 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Child abuse is the physical mistreatment of a child by a parent or caregiver who is held responsible for a child at their time of care. It can be physical, sexual, or psychological. These forms of abuse can happen in many pla ces, including the home, schools, or camps. Physical abuse is an abuse where someone

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